February 07, 2013

Have you ever felt that the space is getting smaller and you just don’t know what to do? All you know is just you just need to scream out loud with no one can hear it, for you know it is the sign of your flaw, then you tend not to show so. However, things would become so much more irritating if you just can “bare your soul”. Hence, you just hold your tongue, and breathe. Inhaling and exhaling. Hope that your body and your mind speak more than your emotion, and lead it to the edge then be cast away somehow. Holding your emotion is helpful at times. You feel calm, but occasionally since you’re just holding it, there is a possibility that it’d be gone. It could be back somehow, with a greater tense. Your head is just scrambled. You can barely breathe. You have no control of your body, especially your mouth and your hands, and your feet. That holding tongue? Well, we’d be better not to mention it. It’s gone. This is what we called The Roller-coaster Effect. In my case, it does happen a lot. Like it or not, when it comes, I have to do all of my efforts to enlarge, expand, and swell the space. The space in mind. Inhaling, exhaling, or crying if it’s necessary. If it still doesn’t help. I’d better go, or cry, or write, or go, or sing, or scream, or—actually I still haven’t got the way how. Screw my self, I’d better be off. 

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