July 13, 2012

Morning Blessed

You know what I like being a part of morning? The feeling of being blessed. yes, being blessed. when you wake up for the first time in the day, consciously, you feel your first breath. that is the sign of your existence as a human living. you feel your eyes, body, head, arms, hands, all of your self work from one part to another else. That's the feeling of being alive. then you feel the sun rise from the lattice of the vent or the slight slit of your window. Then either you hear the chirping birds or the buzzing cars, it still the sign of the universe to get you up. And the universe will conspire with sun, to make a warmer heat for you. it is like an alarm. the alarm which makes your eyes wide opened. Do you feel like God intentionally asks the universe to wake you up? Me? yes I do so. Hence,  how can't you be so grateful when the whole universe try to awake you? try to bring your conscious? try to make you alive? try to give you the opportunity to be the part of the most marvelous atmosphere in the world? It is the most wonderful part in the morning. You feel so special for God picks you as The Given-One. You are chosen to be born again, to live again, to learn again. Not everyone is given the opportunity to sense the beauty of a morning. Morning is enchantingly beautiful and exquisitely blessed :) 

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